Monday 21 February 2022

Independence Day

On this Independence Day. We remember the years past. We honor this very day. For our flag, old glory, has last. On this Independence Day. Two centuries ago, we. Declared our independence. For justice and liberty. Let us celebrate with joy and honesty.

LPGA Power Hitter "Patty Tavatanakit" Solid Driver-Iron Swing & Slow Mot...

Sunday 9 January 2022


 This time and year

Bring in the new year with lots of fun,
Dance your heart out because music is loud,
Get there with your friends alike
Awesome seems the crowd
Soak in the spirit of New Year my dear
Groove tonight with that new cheer
Wish you a happy new year!

Returned LPGA Queen "Lydia Ko" Perfect Driver-Iron Swing & Slow Motions

Sunday 12 December 2021


You are a ukulele beyond my microphone

You are a Yukon beyond my Micronesia

You are a union beyond my meiosis

You are a unicycle beyond my migration

You are a universe beyond my mitochondria

You are a Eucharist beyond my Miles Davis

You are a euphony beyond my myocardiogram

You are a unicorn beyond my Minotaur

You are a eureka beyond my maitai

You are a Yuletide beyond my minesweeper

You are a euphemism beyond my myna bird

Highlights | Round 2 | QBE Shootout | 2021